Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Olin NC
Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Olin NC

If you're not able to attend church each week, it's difficult to continue to tithe so we are offering an online way to give. Click on the icon below to go to "" and create an account. Next, you will be able to search for our church and put a payment method in as a way to give your tithe (or download their app from your app store on your smartphone.)

Click on the Tithes & Offerings icon below then create an account & sign in to give

Mount Vernon Baptist Church

145 Mt Vernon Church Road

Olin, NC 28660



Transitional Pastor:

     Rev. Bill Phillips

 (Mon. 9am-1pm,

   Wed. afternoon)


Secretary: Kathleen Smith

(Mon., Wed.- Fri. 8am-12pm)



Sunday morning:

10:00 am Sunday School

10:55 am Worship Service

Sunday night:

6:00 pm Kids & Youth

6:00 pm Evening Services

Wednesday night:

6:30 pm Prayer Meeting,

             Team Kids & Youth

7:30 pm Choir Practice

Every Third Wednesday:

6:30 pm Team Kids & Youth

6:30 pm Women on Mission

             & Baptists on Mission

7:30 pm Choir Practice

Every Second Tuesday:

11:30 am Seniors Lunch


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